Hello Dear Readers,
I hope the first few days of 2023 have been treating you well. This time of year is always a little tricky for me because it feels like an in-between place. It reminds me of weekend mornings when you wonder if you should get out of bed and conquer the day or just stay under the covers and enjoy some more rest. Despite the weird vibes, I am looking forward to welcoming “things that have never been" as Rilke said in the above quote. Here are some new things that are happening in my studio. I posted about each of these individually in this news section. So feel free to go to each post to learn more or just click on the links below.
Meditative Stain Painting Workshop at Art and Lit Lab on Feb 4th and 5th - Learn more + sign up here
Art Opening at the Sarah Ball Allis Museum (Formerly the Charles Allis Art Museum) on Jan 26th - Learn more
My new collection, Fleeting, Flowing Flying, is being released on January 26th - Learn more
Studio Explorations
I have been working on some new projects and the one I am most excited about is a collection of studies that explore layering different materials into resin. I start by creating drawings and photographs on vellum and then layer them on top of painted canvas. I then float them in layers of resin to create more depth. These studies are the beginning of a series I am taking on the road to different art fairs around the Midwest this summer.
If you would like to see more of this process you can follow my stories on Facebook and Instagram where I post about it regularly. The process is a new one for me so I look forward to sharing what I learn with all of you.

Examples of layered studies

Studio Fodder
I often bring what I am listening to, reading, and my daily routines into my studio process. These bits and pieces all get mixed up into the final piece of art. Besides the physical act of making I probably find this to be one of the most satisfying things about creating. To honor that process, here is my studio fodder list from the last few months_
Reading: Wintering by Katherine May and Wanderlust: A History of Walking by Rebecca Solnit (I read this in grad school and loved revisiting it)
Listening: The podcasts On Being with Krista Tippett and Poetry Unbound. I am playing music by the Swedish artist, Amanda Bergman in the studio.
Watching: I love this talk at Creative Mornings Vancouver by Pennylane Shen of Dazed and Confucius. I have been receiving one-on-one consultations from Pennylane for almost two years now and her sessions have transformed the way I work.
Routines: I have taken up the daily routine of walking along the shores of Lake Mendota and exploring the woods near my house. Here are some of my favorite spots for walking and reflecting in Madison - the Pheasant Branch Conservatory in Middleton and Wisdom Prairie which is part of the Holy Wisdom Monastery.
Sunset views on my daily walk
That is all for now! I look forward to showing you more work and studio progress throughout January.
Thanks for reading and take care,